SDMEA relies on committees to perform the association's more important work on legislative activities, communications, training, and event planning. SDMEA appreciates the individuals currently serving as committee members and would like to invite any interested members to volunteer.
Legislative and Communications Committee
Responsible for monitoring and tracking all legislative activities and developing lobbying strategies and communication plans to respond.
Responsible for developing communication and marketing plans to aid in the promotion of the South Dakota Municipal Electric Association and its members.
Committee Members:
Russell Halgerson / SDMEA Board President, Brookings
Robert Peterson / SDMEA Director of Electrical Services
Ann Hyland / Heartland Energy
Kelly Dybdahl / Heartland Energy
Deb Birgen / Missouri River Energy Services
Operations and Conference Committee
Responsible for planning, organizing, and hosting the annual Superintendent/Foreman Conference.
Responsible for informing the SDMEA board and associated members with safety and operational topics or changes in safety regulations that might affect our member communities.
Committee Members:
Ryan Thompson / Brookings Municipal Utilities
Chad Collins / City of Volga
Brian Benson / Watertown Municipal Utilities
Kyle Hills / Sioux Falls Traffic, Light and Power
Travis Tarr / Vermillion Light & Power
Robert Peterson / SDMEA Director of Electrical Services